Importance of Virtual Trips for Transport Infrastructure Planning


  • Kristina Jauneikaitė Dept of Urban Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Michael Carreno Transport Research Institute, Napier University,10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5DT, Scotland, UK



physical mobility, virtual mobility, virtual trip, travel diary, territorial planning, transport infrastructure


Limited possibilities of transport mobility, low quality and high prices of services induce local (change of living or working place) or virtual (e-work, e-government, e-shopping, e-communication) mobility of citizens. Despite the increased possibilities to avoid transport trips, street jams, pavement deterioration, the number of traffic accidents have been continuously growing. For this reason the research was carried out to define a possibility of physical trips (their purpose, length, transport mode) to be replaced by virtual trips, and to identify the influence of this replacement on the planning of territories and transport infrastructure. Based on the obtained results, the main assumptions have been formulated allowing a more effective plan of the land-tenure of transport and social infrastructure and to optimize new construction.


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How to Cite

Jauneikaitė, K., & Carreno, M. (2009). Importance of Virtual Trips for Transport Infrastructure Planning. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 4(2), 61-68.