Problems of Correlation Between Dynamic Probing Test (DPSH) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) for Cohesive Soils of Lithuania


  • Gintaras Žaržojus Dept of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Vilnius University, M. K. Čiurlionio g. 21/27, 03101 Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Kastytis Dundulis Dept of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Vilnius University, M. K. Čiurlionio g. 21/27, 03101 Vilnius, Lithuania



dynamic probing test (DPT), super heavy dynamic probing (DPSH), cone penetration test (CPT), correlation, cohesive soils


The paper analyses problems of correlation between the results of dynamic probing (DPSH – Super heavy dynamic probing) and cone penetration test. According to investigations of geological cross-sections of cohesive soils of the territory of Lithuania correlation dependencies are evaluated. Reliability of dynamic probing and modern methods of results correction are discussed. Effect of DPSH rods and lateral stress of soils to the results of probing is evaluated. Correlation dependencies between blow count N and depth of probing and cone resistance qc for various cohesive soils found in the territory of Lithuania.


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How to Cite

Žaržojus, G., & Dundulis, K. (2010). Problems of Correlation Between Dynamic Probing Test (DPSH) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) for Cohesive Soils of Lithuania. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 5(2), 69-75.