Comparison of Road Traffic Death and Injury Rates at Pedestrian Crossings in Europe




accident statistics, Europe, pedestrian crossings, road accidents, road traffic death rate, traffic safety


For this study, accident statistics of 14 European countries were analysed for the number of fatalities and injuries occurring at pedestrian crossings from 2015 to 2017. The road traffic death rate (killed per 1 million inhabitants) and the road traffic injury rate (injured per 1 million inhabitants) at pedestrian crossings were calculated and compared. It was found that there are large differences between the European countries: The road traffic death rate at pedestrian crossings is the lowest in Great Britain and Germany and the highest in Poland and Lithuania. Statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between road traffic death and injury rates at pedestrian crossings.


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How to Cite

Uhlmann, J. (2021). Comparison of Road Traffic Death and Injury Rates at Pedestrian Crossings in Europe. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 16(2), 16-29.