Traffic Management Solutions at Roadwork Zones During Planned Special Events




roadwork zone, special planned events, traffic capacity, traffic congestion, traffic flows


Planned special events (PSEs) attract more people than usual to specific areas, which leads to increased traffic flows and congestions on the roads. Roadwork zones are among the most vulnerable areas on the roads, where increased traffic can lead to congestion. In roadwork zones, the vehicle flow capacity is already lower than in the conventional situations without roadworks, but at the time of PSEs, these zones become difficult to pass if no attention is paid to the change of the traffic management scheme. This kind of events poses many threats for road authorities, thus, new traffic management systems should be considered. This paper analyzes 2 PSEs and one national celebration in Lithuania and a significant impact they have on the regular traffic flow. PSEs are taken into consideration as they attract traffic to a known place; however, national celebrations distort traffic along all roads and it is not known exactly, which roads will be congested the most. Since roadwork zones cause congestion problems even in conventional situations, this paper presents traffic capacity calculations at these road stretches during PSEs and considers how they change depending on the traffic management scheme.


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How to Cite

Skrodenis, D., Čygas, D., Pakalnis, A., & Kairys, A. (2021). Traffic Management Solutions at Roadwork Zones During Planned Special Events. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 16(2), 30-47.