Indirect Determination of Soil Young’s Modulus in Lithuania Using Cone Penetration Test Data




cone penetration test (CPT), constrained modulus, residual modulus, soil deformation modulus, Young’s modulus


Simplified methods based on cone penetration test results are commonly used to determine soil deformation modulus, depending on the engineering geological and geotechnical conditions and the complexity of the computational approach. This paper reviews some empirical equations based on the results of the cone penetration test and gives recommendations for the assessment of Young’s modulus, oedometric modulus and residual modulus from the cone penetration test result, according to the Lithuanian technical requirements and other standards. Theoretical interpretations of results are presented together with practical examples for coarse and fine soils, limits of empirical equations application are explained.


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How to Cite

Tamošiūnas, T., Žaržojus, G., & Skuodis, Šarūnas. (2022). Indirect Determination of Soil Young’s Modulus in Lithuania Using Cone Penetration Test Data. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 17(2), 1-24.