Improving the Method of Conflict Situations


  • Denis Kapski Scientific Research Centre of Road Traffic, Belorussian National Technical University, Nezavisimosty ave. 65, 220013 Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Lina Bertulienė Dept of Road, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania



road traffic, traffic conflicts, road accidents, accident prediction, forecasting methods


The paper presents the results of research to develop methodology for a rapid assessment of the effect of measures used to improve road safety. The research includes the improvement of the method of determining traffic conflict situations and the development of accident prediction in conflict situations. A method of conflict situations is one of the most advanced and effective methods for predicting accidents at conflict sites since this method is based on the dependency of the number of accidents on the number of conflict situations. Having determined at the study site the number of conflict situations it is possible to calculate a predictable annual number of accidents at that site. The research implemented gave a possibility to increase the accuracy of accident prediction according to the method of conflict situations making it suitable to be used in practice for assessing the quality of road safety measures at the conflict sites – signalized intersections and pedestrian crossings, in the zone of which the artificial speed humps have been installed, such as a “sleeping policeman”.


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How to Cite

Kapski, D., & Bertulienė, L. (2014). Improving the Method of Conflict Situations. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 9(4), 317-324.