Effect of Components Content on Properties of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixture and Concrete
pavement, hot mix asphalt (HMA), mixture mix, components content, quality indicesAbstract
The article contains general characteristics of Lithuanian motor roads and possibilities of their development. 63.72% of Lithuanian motor roads of national importance (according to their length) have asphalt pavement. It is shown that modernization of national motor roads mainly includes paving of gravel roads. It is pointed out that the main indices characterizing the condition and service life of asphalt pavement and its construction are: hot mix asphalt (HMA) concrete resistance to binding tension, tensile elasticity modulus and fatigue resistance. The values of these indices highly depend on the componential composition and structure of HMA concrete as well as on the degree of its compaction. The suitability of HMA concrete for road pavement construction is well characterized by its physical mechanical indices according to Marshall: stability S, flow F, volume of air voids Va etc. These indices also are highly dependent on the composition and structure of HMA concrete. Investigations carried out in the Lithuanian motor roads and in laboratory helped to determine asphalt concrete dependencies between the componential composition of HMA concrete and values of its physical and mechanical properties according to Marshall. Conclusions and recommendations are included.
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