Evaluation of Real-Time Intelligent Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges Based on Swara-Waspas; a Case in Iran
real-time intelligent sensors, structural health monitoring, damage assessment, SWARA, WASPASAbstract
Now a day, earthquake engineers follow subjects such as structural health monitoring, warning announcement and prediction rather safe-making in the field of structure. In this regard, these three choices are of great goals of Iran in direction of many studies concentrated on. This research is centralized on real time health monitoring system of Iran bridges. In this regard, to evaluate smart real time health monitoring sensors, first all different types were determined using the library resources, and then all the important indices in evaluating these sensors were derived by interviewing experts in construction management fields. After that, to continue the survey, questionnaires were given to 18 experts to weight the effective indices. Through a decision-making method using new hybrid methodology based on SWARA and WASPAS, existential necessity degree of all indices and sensors were obtained and eventually the following result captured: applying piezoelectric sensors is optimal in smart health monitoring to be used in Iran bridges and optical fiber sensor was recognized as the second optimum option.
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