Effects of Extended Short-Term Aging Duration on Asphalt Binder Behaviour at High Temperatures
aging, asphalt binder, Response Surface Method, rotational viscometer, viscosity.Abstract
Many factors affecting pavement performance include variations in binder composition and environmental conditions during asphalt mixture production. Hence, predicting pavement performance is a difficult task. This paper aims to investigate the effects of short term aging on binder viscosity at high temperature. In order to predict the effects of short term aging on the asphalt binder viscosity at high temperatures, a Response Surface Method was performed on the Rotational Viscometer test results. An experimental matrix was planned based on the central composite design for aging duration and test temperature. The test results showed that aging increased the binder viscosity, while increasing test temperature decreased the corresponding value. However, aging effects differ and depend on binder types, test temperatures and aging conditions. It was also found that the Response Surface Method is a fast, effective and reliable method to predict the effects of aging on binder viscosity behaviour at high temperatures.
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