The Use of Bloss Curve in The Exit Lanes of Road Intersections




Bloss curve, braking curve, Generalized Cornu Spirals (GCS), lateral acceleration, lateral jerk, rolling speed, steering speed


The paper proposes the use of the Bloss curve (also known as biparametric or bi-hyperclothoid) as a braking curve in the exit lanes of road intersections. The main international standards continue using the clohoid as the principal transitional geometric element, even though the limits of its use in driving regimes with non-uniform speeds are known. The proposal to use the Bloss curve is aimed at overcoming these limitations and opening a debate on the possible need to codify, even in the international standards, the use of more suitable alternative braking curves. In this context, a kinematic study was conducted by comparing the main parameters of the motion (lateral jerk, lateral acceleration, steering speed) between the Bloss curve and more traditional curves, such as clothoid and Generalized Cornu Spirals (GCS). Nine case studies were conducted, each case was characterized considering the type of transition curve used (clothoid, GCS and Bloss curve) and radius R of the exit curve (R = 60 m, 80 m, 100 m). The numerical values assumed by the kinematic variables along the transition curves were “locally” calculated, i.e. “pointby- point”, to take into account the non-uniform motion regime. The results obtained, limited to the cases studied, show that the Bloss curve better meets the kinematic conditions of the vehicle motion in non-uniform driving regimes. Therefore, the Bloss curve can be considered as a braking curve in the design of road intersections and be a candidate for further investigation to assess any additional benefits in terms of comfort, driving safety and visual perception of the geometric element.


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How to Cite

Ciampa, D., & Olita, S. (2020). The Use of Bloss Curve in The Exit Lanes of Road Intersections. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 15(1), 76-102.