Modeling of Effective Parameters for Capacity Prediction at Signalized Intersection Lanes




artificial bee colony algorithm, lane-based capacity estimation, ordinary least squares regression, traffic volume, signalized intersection


Current capacity manuals do not allow comprehensively evaluating negative effects on lane capacity caused by undisciplined vehicle movements and lane utilization, such as failure to obey distance rules, lane blockage caused by roadside parking effect, formation of an extra lane using in the emergency lane, etc., which are mostly observed in undeveloped and developing countries. Irregularities of the traffic flow caused by undisciplined movements and lane utilization result in decreased capacity or traffic change on the urban lanes. To overcome this problem, a lane-based study was carried out to determine the relation among effective parameters and their effect on lane capacity. In order to model the impact of these parameters, a comprehensive study was conducted in two cities in Turkey. Two different methods (statistical analysis and metaheuristic search algorithm) were used for this purpose and new more reasonable lane capacity estimation models (ALLCEM-1 and ALLCEM-2) were developed by examining all local conditions. The results proved that both examined methods are effective in modelling lane capacity of signalized intersections. It was also found that such parameters as the type of intersection (either a roundabout or not), effective green time, saturation flow rate, traffic volume, heavy vehicle ratio, and the number of actively used lanes have a major impact on the accuracy of prediction of road capacity.


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How to Cite

Aydin, M. M. (2022). Modeling of Effective Parameters for Capacity Prediction at Signalized Intersection Lanes. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 17(4), 35-62.