Probabilistic Assessment of Soil Shear Strength Parameters Using Triaxial Test Results


  • Jonas Amšiejus Dept of Geotechnical Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio al.11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Neringa Dirgėlienė Dept of Geotechnical Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio al.11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania


triaxial test, soil strength, probabilistic assessment, reliability index, design values, margin of resistance


According to the currently valid standards, bearing resistance can be calculated applying direct informationalstatistic method which includes probabilistic models of margin of resistance Z = R – E. Probabilistic methods allow to determine the influence of which design condition argument on the uncertainty of margin of bearing resistance is the greatest. That enables to project the directions of further investigations. The greatest influence on the uncertainty of margin of bearing resistance is made by the tangent of angle of internal friction and cohesion. Therefore it is required that these strength parameters should be determined more exactly. This would enable to achieve the economy of materials and labour expenditures for the construction of foundation without decreasing reliability of ground. In order to estimate the soil strength parameters more exactly, some changes in the triaxial test apparatus have been made so that the sample base has been allowed to move freely in the horizontal direction. Several experiments have been carried out by improved triaxial test apparatus. It has been determined that the values of the tangent of angle of internal friction and cohesion have been less by 10,8 % and 43 % respectively for dense sand samples with free horizontal base movement than those determined for samples with restricted horizontal movements of ends (regular ends). Foundation width B calculated according to the parameters of residual shearing strength, determined by usual triaxial test apparatus, is smaller by 23 % than that calculated according to the data obtained in the improved triaxial test apparatus. Reliability index of bearing resistance for a sample with regular ends calculated according to the residual values of soil shearing strength parameters by means of first order probabilistic methods for design approach 3 is β = 4,4.


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How to Cite

Amšiejus, J., & Dirgėlienė, N. (2007). Probabilistic Assessment of Soil Shear Strength Parameters Using Triaxial Test Results. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 2(3), 125-131.